Reduces Hangovers
Hemp hearts and hemp oil have been proven to prevent hangovers, if eaten before and reduce hangovers, if eaten after. We've added hemp to the alcohol to eliminate these steps. People who drink Stoked are saying they have less of or have no hangover at all the next day.
There are many hair heath benefits of hemp oil as well. Many non-commercial and herbal hair products like shampoos, hair oils, conditioners, etc. are made by using hemp oil. Like the skin care, massages with hemp oil products can improve blood circulation in the head and the brain. Washing hair with hemp oil shampoos and conditioners, can thicken the hair texture and keep the scalp away from dandruff. Thus hemp oil is very beneficial for your hair care as well. Loss of hair is also reduced by using them and scalp infections and problems are kept away.
Thus with so many hemp oil benefits, I am sure, you know, you have to start using it often. Hemp seed oil is a very beneficial product for skin and hair, so make good use of it and stay healthy. Watch these videos from people who have had different health issues who prove that Hemp Oil helped with their problems.
PMS and Menopause
GLA, present in its pre-made form in hemp oil serves as the building block for prostaglandins. By helping to balance hormone levels and reduce inflammation, it is possible that GLA might also ease bloating, cramping, and other PMS discomforts. Hempseed oil is particularly useful as a GLA source as it also contains a perfect balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
Bone Heath
What causes osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is caused by several factors. In women, one factor is low estrogen. In men, it’s low testosterone. For BOTH sexes it is caused by lack of calcium, lack of vitamin D, and sedentary lifestyle, medications, and illness.
An excellent way to supplement the vitamin D and calcium is by adding hemp seeds and hemp seed oil to the diet. Hemp is full of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
The essential fatty acids in hemp help with absorption of the calcium and vitamin D and aid in bone growth and calcification, and reduce calcium excretion in the urine (calcium loss and excretion through the urine can also cause kidney stones).
Daily exercise, stopping smoking, and eating a healthy diet rich in hemp seeds and hemp seed oil can prevent osteoporosis.
Hemp – your bones will love it!
Improves Energy
Hemp is one of the purest, most complete plants on earth. It has the perfect balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health. This makes raw hemp seeds incredibly powerful against cancer. It might be the single best food to prevent it. It's a high quality, complete raw food protein and has a massive trace mineral content.
It's the only seed that doesn't need to be germinated before eating: it has no enzyme exhibitors. Therefore it's easy to absorb.
Cardiovascular and Organ Health
Cardiovascular disease is caused by many factors : smoking, being overweight (which can also be reduced by incorporating hemp seeds and hemp seed oil into the diet), lack of exercise, and unhealthy eating habits.
Adding hemp seeds and hemp seed oil to the diet is a great way to start the path to a healthier heart (along with exercise, stopping smoking, consuming healthier foods). The Omega fatty acids in hemp are in the perfect 3:1 ratio – optimum for the human body. The polyunsaturated fats in hemp are a perfect replacement for saturated fats in the diet and can reduce blood cholesterol levels. The LA in hemp seed may reduce arterial thrombosis.
Omega 6 fatty acid and GLA have been shown to decrease cholesterol.
Omega 3 fatty acid helps aid in arterial elasticity, as well as promoting healthy cells and blood vessels.
Introducing hemp seeds and hemp seed oil into the daily diet may prevent or reduce the instance of heart disease.
Lower Cholesterol
While hemp seed is an excellent source of protein that also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, its most important feature is that it provides both essential fatty acids (EFAs) needed in the human diet–linoleic (omega-6 fatty acid) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). These fats are "essential" because they cannot be manufactured in the body and so must be consumed as food. Hemp has an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 3:1 which is closest to the optimum 4.0 average recommended by the World Health Organization for the human diet.
Hemp for Heart Health
EFAs are essential for the health of the heart. Numerous studies show that substituting healthy polyunsaturated fats such as hemp for saturated fats can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac arrest and fatal cardiac arrhythmia, as well as reduce blood cholesterol levels and decrease the cellular buildup in arteries associated with atherosclerosis. Hemp also contains phytosterols, which have been shown to reduce total blood cholesterol by an average of 10 percent and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by an average of 13 percent.